Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Hello Kitty Cake! (and other stuff)

This one is a no brainer for me.  My younger daughter is completely and totally nuts about cats and Hello Kitty is her pop culture icon of choice.  I saw this cake and knew she'd want it for her birthday. However, I was quite disappointed to get to the Betty Crocker site and find there was no handy link to download or buy the template the show.  After a little searching I found some cute options that are linked below.
(You will have to size and print it according to your needs, but it should do the trick.)

Or, you can do what I will most likely ultimately do and opt for the really easy way out - a Wilton character pan!  Honestly, if the template was ready for me to print up and use, I'd prefer to go that cheaper route, but the money saved on a pan would be outweighed (for me) by the time I'd spend messing around creating a template.  So, purchase this I will!  

Also, you should click here for a page full of great Hello Kitty party ideas from a fun blog called Look What I Made!